Saturday, October 11, 2008

What I want

It's about time I made it clear , more for myself than anything. 

I want someone who will walk into a crowded room and only see me.
I want consistency.
I want someone who will hold my face when we kiss, who will run his fingers through my hair (only when we're laying down and I don't have to be presentable.. and he'll know this).
I want someone who never will fail to make me smile or laugh.
I want someone who will remember the little things, and how I love them.
I want someone who will love me exactly as I love them.
I want someone who will take me on spontaneous trips to Disneyland, who will wear his mickey ears with me and who will hold me for the fireworks.
I want someone who will take me out to dinner.
I want someone who will understand that any clothes he lends to me are totally game for me to wear home and to bed anytime he's away.
I want someone who loves the music I love, and appreciates it as much as I do.
I want someone who reads and soaks in literature - who won't mind a day at home reading.
I want someone who loves movies and good TV and who will hold me tighter when I cry watching one (because I almost always do)
I want someone who respects the theatre
I want someone who will cook me dinner (even if its awful)
I want someone I can share with my family, and who wants to share me with his
I want someone who I can see every day but who understands that we should spend time apart
I want someone who knows the meaning of every one of my smiles
I want someone who will do things for us, even if its out of his way
I want someone who loves kids and dogs and kittens and bunnies or at least knows that I do
I want someone who will pull the car over just because he wants a kiss
I want someone to be proud of me
I want someone to be proud of
I want someone to have a passion like mine, no matter what it's for (except maybe drugs or porn ;])
I want someone to fight for me
I want someone worth fighting for
I want someone to want to know me
I want someone to want me for me, not for sex
I want someone to respect me
I want someone who respects my passion
I want someone who considers
I want someone who knows without me telling him
I want someone who calms my storm, who lifts me up and compliments my personality
I want someone to complete me, and I want to complete someone else. 

I want my puzzle piece.

And it's not all about me. I want to be able to be that person in every single way for him, too. 

I'm ready. Now where are you?

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