Wednesday, May 14, 2008

blackbird, fly

My chest tightened, but my heart did not plummet through the floorboards. I click on Blackbird and let my eyes fixate on your future. I smile. Mine's waiting for me somewhere, and I hope you react the same way.

Donnie is really amazing. We've hung out every day since last Thursday? Or even beyond that, and I can't get enough. He's hilarious, so down to earth, and the most chill human being on the entire planet. I am so relaxed around him, but still have the right amount of nerves. It's not driven by pure lust, and we talk for hours. I'm happy but I don't feel like my hopes are higher than they need to be. He respects me, and we play hours of super smash bros brawl with our buddies. He's the first person I feel like I've had real feelings for since Eric. I don't feel like people believe me because I've been so boy crazy as of late, but you just wait and see. :)

I really sleep the bare minimum lately. I go out late and come home just before the sun comes up, regardless of whether or not I have to be at school in the morning. I feel like I'm jump starting summer, and maybe I need to enjoy my time with my class a little more.

Two more days left in this week, no school monday, then a short week, then no school the following monday, then its the week of finals. It's really starting to freak me out. The next 6 months are going to kick so much ass :D